Dagger Striper Brush

Original price was: $10.39.Current price is: $8.35.

Long Dagger Brush

Original price was: $8.80.Current price is: $6.95.

Pointed Liner Brush

Original price was: $10.50.Current price is: $7.89.

White China Angle Sash Brush

Original price was: $17.79.Current price is: $13.34.

Paint Brushes for Faux Finishing and Painting

The world of faux painting is creative, and the possibilities for what you can make are endless, and there isn’t much you can’t achieve when you have a quality brush in hand. At Faux Masters Studio, we carry a full selection of faux finish brushes to help you create beautiful designs, textures, and finishes for your walls, floors, ceilings, furniture, and other artistic projects. All our brushes are made from the finest materials, and that means you can trust your equipment will get the job done right.

Faux Finish Paint Brushes to Create Wood Grain

One of the most popular types of faux finish is the wood grain effect, and with the right brushes, you can create graining and exotic wood styles with ease. Some of the brushes that are best for this job are made of natural materials, while others are made from synthetic ones. For instance, the Badger Flat 2 Header Brush is made from 100 percent badger hair, and it’s great for creating straight grain effects. Similarly, the Bird’s Eye Brush is also made from natural bristle, and it is the go-to tool for creating the bird’s eye effect. The Pointed 2 Header Brush, on the other hand, is made from synthetic materials, and it’s perfect for both wood graining and marbling. Then there are also brushes like the Pencil Veiner, which are a combination of natural and synthetic fibers, and which is ideal for an exotic wood grain effect.

Special Brushes to Create Any Faux Painting Effect

Wood graining is far from the only popular faux painting finish out there, and Faux Masters Studio has specialized brushes for just about every effect and technique, including:

  • Decorative painting
  • Ribbons
  • Fine art techniques
  • Textures, including fur, foliage, and other natural materials
  • Murals
  • Trompe l’oeil
  • Stencils
  • Striping
  • Veining
  • Color-washing
  • Watercolors

While specialized for these techniques and effects, some of these brushes also double as great tools for applying gold leaf, performing touch-ups, blending colors, and even painting signs.

Paint Brushes that Are Ideal for Glazing

Glazing is an important step when creating many different faux finishes because the glaze layer has the ability to change the hue, chroma, and texture of the surface below, and this is sometimes a necessary final step in achieving a certain finish. Just as important as the glaze is the brush itself because some brushes are better suited for creating different effects. For instance, whereas the Domed Glazing and Mongoose Brushes are both multipurpose glazing brushes, the Flogger Brush has long bristles that make it ideal for glazing wood graining effects.

Versatile Brushes for Multipurpose Applications

Along with carrying a full range of brushes for specific details and purposes, Faux Masters Studio also has a wide selection of all-purpose brushes that can be used with multiple media, for various surfaces, with different types of paint, and to achieve a variety of effects. Brushes that fall into this category include:

  • Chip Brushes
  • Flat and angled brushes
  • Nylon/Polyester Brush

Brushes are a crucial tool for all painting projects, and when you want to create a faux effect, then it’s especially important to choose the right one. At Faux Masters Studio, you can rest assured that all your tools will be of the highest quality only, so all you have to worry about is choosing the supplies that will help you achieve the beautiful and unique faux painting effects that you need for your artistic and decorative endeavors.